Over Doet

DOET BOERSMA (Wjelsryp ’58) Schilder van voornamelijk het Friese landschap, expressief, op groot formaat en in vaak felle kleuren. Altijd op zoek naar de verste horizon, nieuwe composities en kleurstellingen. Momenteel gaat haar werk en onderzoek meer over de planten in het landschap en leven in en op de bodem: Fertile Soil.

In 2015 startte Doet de door haar opgerichte KUNSTACADEMIE FRIESLAND, met een brede vakopleiding met vele disciplines en niveau’s. Zie www.kunstacademiefriesland.nl.

Zij is daar nu werkzaam als algemeen directeur en als eerstegraads-docent. Doet geeft schilderlessen, workshops, lezingen, teambuildingsactiviteiten en bijscholingen voor groepen.
Doet werkt als vrij kunstenaar en ook in opdracht.

Ubbo Emmius (lerarenopleiding, Leeuwarden, beeldhouwkunst, tekenen en schilderen) Minerva Groningen Art Academy, tekenen en schilderen (Art Academy Minerva is nu onderdeel van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen), autonome kunst en educatie. Dit onderwijssysteem was vóórdat Bachelor / Master werd ingevoerd. 8 jaar kunsteducatie: eerste graad Kunsteducatie en daarna de Kunstacademie.

Haar carrière in de beeldende kunst ontwikkelde zich ook tijdens het lesgeven. Haar kunst wordt geïnspireerd door haar interesse en onderzoek naar landschappen en de natuur.

Van 1983-1990 docent op middelbare scholen in Leeuwarden en Groningen. Vanaf 1990 tot nu specifieke functies, zoals extra beroepscoaching , docent methodologie (kunsteducatie) en tekenen / schilderen aan de lerarenopleiding van de Hogeschool van Leeuwarden(nu NHL STENDEN UNIVERSTY). Doet werkt sinds 1991 als beeldend kunstenaar.

Sinds 1998 eigenaar van een galerie in Leeuwarden Galerie It Frysk Skildershûs, nu bekend als Galerie Doet), die 6 tentoonstellingen van moderne kunst organiseert.

Oprichter, directeur en docent van Kunstacademie Friesland (gecertificeerde Kunstacademie), sinds 2015.

Doet neemt deel aan tentoonstellingen in binnen- en buitenland, beurzen en lange kunstenaarsresidenties in Ierland, Italië, Portugal, Hong Kong en de VS.

2008: Artist in Residence at the Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland
2008: Artist in residence at ACO Hong Kong, China
2011: Artist in Residence at the Center for New Media (KVCC), Kalamazoo, MI, USA
2012: Artist in Residence at the Center for New Media (KVCC), Kalamazoo, MI, USA
2013: Artist in Residence at the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, Hastings, MI, USA
2022: Artist in Residence at the Ninth Wave Studio, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
& at the Center for New Media (KVCC), Kalamazoo, MI, USA

Doet geeft lezingen over haar artistieke werk  in relatie tot de natuur in Ballyvaughan Ireland, Hong Kong, Nederland and Michigan USA over kunst & het kunstenaarschap in het algemeen.

Publications and reviews about her exhibitions in artpapers and magazines from 1997-
Landslip/Landscape, book, oeuvre, 2006
Bertegrûn, catalogus, Museum Martena 2008

Ljocht, light, light 2010, catalogus expositie in museum Kasteel Wijchen.
Doet in Michigan, Magazine over kunst en haar reis en verblijf  in Michigan, 2012.

Fertile Soil, book about nature-inspiration-art 2021.
Doet Boersma was born in 1958 in Wjelsryp, the Netherlands

She was educated both as a teacher and fine-arts artist using traditional media for painting and drawing. She graduatet from Ubbo Emmius (teacher training, Leeuwarden, sculpture, drawing and painting (Now: University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden) and Minerva Groningen Art Academy, drawing and  painting (Art Academy Minerva is now part of Hanze University Groningen), autonomous art and education.

The education system was before Bachelor/Master was introduced. This were 8 years art education: 6 years first degree professor Art Education and after the Art Academy degree. (Both educations are now both brought back to a 4 years study for Bachelor and Master.)
Doet Boersma continued with her fine arts career while teaching – her work being inspired by her interest and research in landscapes and nature. Doet taught at various schools and at the university of applied sciences for art education.

From 1983-1990 lecturer at secondary schools in Leeuwarden and Groningen.

From 1990-until now specific jobs, like additional profession coaching (teacher of methodology (art education) and drawing/painting at the teacher training department of University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden.

Working since 1991 as a visual artist. Doet participates in exhibitions, at home and abroad, trade fairs and long-term artist residencies in Europe, Hong Kong and The USA. In addition, she is a teacher in drawing and painting from her own studio.

Own company: running private painting school, where various teachers teach in winter and a gallery with 6 exhibitions per year.

Founder, Director and Professor of the Art Academy Friesland (certified Fine Art Degree), since 2015.

Since 1998 owner of a gallery in Leeuwarden Gallery It Frysk Skildershûs, now known as Gallery Doet), organising 6 exhibitions of temporary art.

Taught in Hong Kong, China, Ireland, Germany, The Netherlands, US of A, France, Portugal and Italy.

2008: Artist in Residence at the Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Ireland
2008: Artist in residence at ACO Hong Kong, China
2011: Artist in Residence at the Center for New Media (KVCC), Kalamazoo, MI, USA
2012: Artist in Residence at the Center for New Media (KVCC), Kalamazoo, MI, USA
2013: Artist in Residence at the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, Hastings, MI, USA
2022: Artist in Residence at the Ninth Wave Studio, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
& at the Center for New Media (KVCC), Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Doet had lectures about her artistic work in relation to nature in Ballyvaughan Ireland, Hong Kong, The Netherlands and Michigan USA.

Publications and reviews about her exhibitions in artpapers and magazines from 1997-
Landslip/Landscape, book, oeuvre, 2006
Bertegrûn, catalogue, Museum Martena 2008
Ljocht, light, light 2010, catalog at exhibition in museum castle in Wijchen.

Doet in Michigan, Magazine about art and travels in Michigan, 2012
Fertile Soil, book about nature-inspiration-art 2021.